miércoles, 31 de julio de 2013


Well, all good things come to an end! the Summer School is over for one more year.  All the children are both happy at the idea of holidays but sad at the same time that everything is finishing. They did a lot of activities, played many games and learned a lot of English!  Many thanks from the organisers and teachers for everything and we hope that the children had a good time and will remember their 2013 Summer School.  Bye for now and see you next year!

martes, 30 de julio de 2013


Today the kids had a sesión of team games including relay races, ball games, mini basket ball and a sprinting competition.  They all enjoyed thenselves and everybody was exhausted at the end of it. Take a look at the video!


This morning the children had their party, they all brought their snacks from home and we organised a sing-song, karaoke and they played games. Everybody had a good time and they all stuffed themselves with sweets and other goodies.


Water,water,everywhere - and everybody got soaked!!  Two teams had to compete in several activities related with wáter - filling a bucket using a cup!  running with a cup full of wáter without spilling any or soaking a sponge and running to fill a container.  There were many more games and everybody had a refreshing time!!

lunes, 29 de julio de 2013


Today was our final cookery session.  We made more pancake rolls but with different ingredients: tuna, ham, cheese and other goodies. Once again the youngsters showed imagination in their choice of fillings. Then we had meringues filled with fruit pure, which we made in class and whipped cream. Again the kids had their fill!!


On monday we spent the morning in Playa América. We had a great time playing tennis, writing on the sand, making huge holes and burying our classmates. We also had a refreshing bath... the water was chilly!!!

miércoles, 24 de julio de 2013


Picasso, Miró and LAR kids!!  The school of impressionist painters is expanding rapidly!! The children had a fun time creating their abstract works of art.  Once again immagination flowed and creativity came to the fore.  As you can see in the photos, the results were spectacular - WELL DONE!!


This time we made a hot dish.  Chicken bake with potatoes, the kids helped to assemble the dish with chicken fillets, sausages and potatoes dressed with onion, herbs and carrot.  After half an hour in the oven they all tucked-in and it all disappeared in a flash!!  Yummy - yummy!! 


The Lar College Cricket Club came into existence today.  The children had a great time unravelling the mysteries of this typical English game called cricket.  We had to improvise a lot and change the rules a bit but everybody had fun and they now want to know when we can play again!!
PANCAKE RACE:  another typical crazy English tradition.  The kids had to run a relay race carrying a fryingpan and tossing a pancake as they raced. As you can see from the potos, they did very well and enjoyed themselves immensly.

miércoles, 17 de julio de 2013


On Monday we had the premier performance of our play "Peggy The Pint-Sized Pirate" about a little pirate girl who wanted to be a grown up pirate but nobody would let her.  When, however, a sea-monster stole and wrecked their ships and all the "pirates" ran away, guess who saved them - Peggy of course!!


Friday was our cooking day - we made sándwich roll-ups and pancake rolls.  There was something for everybody and the kids had a great time making their own creations: cheese, ham, lettuce, tomato, cream cheese, kétchup - the imagination of the children was amazing.  We also made fruit kebabs with apple, melon, peach and banana topped off with a marshmallow (or two!!). I wouldn't be surprised if one or two Mums were surprised that their child didn't eat much lunch!!

jueves, 11 de julio de 2013


Camelion here, camelion there, camelion everywhere!!  Today the kids finished making their camelions in the crafts activity session.  An army of multi-coloured camelions took over the classroom for a while, everyone had a good time with this activity!!!

Here are some photos.


On Wednesday we had our treasure hunt.  The children had to find numbered cards hidden in the "Pedriñas" hill near the schhol. Each card had a number which corresponded to an activity, puzzle or similar. The kids had to act out the activities in order to win a point. The winner this time was the Yellow Team, Paula, María and Javi Vidal. The "treasure" was a bag of sweets which they shared with their class mates - WELL DONE!!!


Last Sunday Javier Nicora took part with his team in a Kung-Foo championship in Vigo and finished in third place - WELL DONE JAVI!!!

Here are a few photos of him with his trophy.

martes, 9 de julio de 2013


This was great fun - we went to "As Pedriñas" near the school and the children had to find numbers hidden amongst the trees.  Each number corresponded to a riddle in English which they had to solve, the team which got the most right answers was the winner - this time it was the Pink Team, (Vidal, María and Erik). WELL DONE!!


11  years old last Friday!!

Great excitement in the class - Alejandro brought some pastry "roses" that he and his aunt had made ... delicious!!

Everybody had their fill (even the teachers!!)


On Friday we had an orientation exercise where the kids had maps of the school and had to find numbers stuck on walls in different rooms.  They had to put the numbers on the map in the right place and the winners were those who finished first - in this case the green team, (Paula, María, Daniel and Sergio Pérez) - WELL DONE!

jueves, 4 de julio de 2013


Today we had great fun with our puzzle gymkana. First the children had to find the pieces, which were hidden around the school and then complete the puzzle. The first team to complete the puzzle was the winner, in this case the yellow team; Andrea, Sergio and Miguel - Well done!!

miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

Our first swimming & arts and crafts sessions

Today we had a great time at the swimming pool and doing some arts and crafts... we have a few photographs, check them out! ;)

LAR Summer School starts again

Hi everyone! Once again the LAR Summer School has begun. This year we have tons of great activities for our kids as well as fun  English phonics lessons and films.

These are our participants for this year .... all smiles and eager to get started!

On Monday we started with our "icebreaker" activities so that the children can get to know each other, then we introduced our play "Peggy The Pint-Sized Pirate" and finally a makeup sesssion and class photographs.

Take a look at our video ....